
Medicaid and Skilled Care Nursing Homes

Burrough's | Elijah Services

Medicaid and Skilled Care Nursing Homes

Nursing Home Medicaid is a means-tested program designed to help individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled and reside in a skilled care nursing home. The program serves as a safety net to ensure that people with limited resources are able to pay for skilled care in a nursing home. Medicaid requires that an applicant is currently residing in a skilled care nursing home, as well as pass an asset and income test.

Generally, a single person must have assets of $2,000 or less, while a married couple may have up to $128,000 in Georgia and $68,000 in South Carolina. Some assets, like an applicant’s residence, are typically considered noncountable assets.

For income purposes, if an applicant has more than approximately $2,300 in income per month, Medicaid requires the additional administrative step of establishing a Qualified Income Trust account.

The elder law attorneys at our firm are experienced in dealing with Medicaid eligibility requirements and are prepared to assist Medicaid applicants and their families in understanding eligibility criteria, as well as submitting successful applications to the Department of Health and Human Services.